

We will keep you updated on progress.是什麼意思

We will keep you updated on progress. 英 美. 我們將隨時向你更新的進展。 單詞We will keep you updated on progress. 的詞典定義。@海詞詞典-最好的學習型詞典.

update you on progress - 英中


keep you updated on the progress - 英中



a statement giving the most recent information about a subject or situation: an update on sth I'll need regular updates on your progress. Passengers watch ...

5個商務英語表達– 讓你搞懂老闆在想什麼

當然你可以這樣回答對方:Ok. I'll keep you updated. 。或者,他們想進一步了解更具體的資訊時,你可以這樣說:OK. I'll let you know as soon as we hear something.。

update you on the progress

You can use it whenever you want to inform someone about progress that has been made on an issue or project, for example: I'll update you on the progress of ...

i will update you on the progress

The phrase I will update you on the progress is correct and usable in written English. You can use the phrase when you need to inform someone about ...

update with the progress or update about the progress?

2024年3月23日 — 'Update with the progress' implies that the progress itself will be included in the update, while 'update about the progress' suggests that the ...

What is a more formal way of saying 'I will keep you ...

2015年8月22日 — The simplest way would be to say: We will provide you with regular updates on our progress..


2013年1月9日 — A contractor says: I will update you on the construction progress. I want to know if we can use 'update' like that.

Software Update 軟體更新檢查工具

Software Update 軟體更新檢查工具
